Raise Fees Without Killing Staff Spirits
When Max’s owner brings him in for his 12th yearly check-up, your receptionist is the one who has to break the bad news that the exam costs 30% more than it did last year.
Now, there’s a confused, angry dog mom demanding an explanation, and your receptionist is angry at you.
They’re angry because you never told them the explanation for the fee increases.
Yes, fee increases are necessary for your practice’s growth.
Increasing fees without a dedicated plan and leaving your staff to fend for themselves with upset pet parents will only hurt your practice, though.
Increase fees without creating internal tension by communicating openly with your staff.
Be Open With Your Staff About Fee Increases
Announcement of fee increases, especially significant ones, shouldn’t be an email or a small mention in a memo.
Equip your staff with a clear understanding of the reasons behind fee increases. This will help them communicate the reasons back to clients.
Be clear about the increase amount and explain how the money is likely to be reinvested, whether it is for new equipment, the rising cost of supplies, or employee salaries and raises.
Support Staff With the Skills Needed to Address Resistance from Clients
After giving your staff the information they need, ensure they feel comfortable handling potentially difficult conversations with clients.
You can run through possible scenarios they may encounter with clients or work with the team to come up with a basic script or talking points.
Keep the Line of Communication Open with Your Staff
Always let your staff know they can ask further questions if needed. And keep the line of communication open by keeping staff in the loop for future increases.
Lessen the Burden All Around with Incremental Fee Increases
This way, fees will increase by a small percentage every quarter or every year rather than all at once.
Use my formula for quarterly increases in my guide to setting up incremental fee increases in your practice.