Stick to your training—save HR for someone else

Telling a pet parent that their pet is critically ill or injured is never easy.

But it comes with the job.

You have years of practice and training to back you up in these difficult conversations.

You know what careful wording you need to use. You have the expertise to give them recommendations on the next steps.

 Having conversations with staff is another story.

You’re trained to be a vet. You’re trained to have tough conversations with pet parents.

You’re not trained to effectively address a problem and dish out punishment to a stubborn employee with a consistent lateness issue.

I’ve had a lot of vets tell me they struggle with these conversations.

 Which is understandable. They’re not trained for those conversations, and they don’t feel comfortable having these difficult conversations.

You don’t have to have them.

Pick your battles.

Specifically, pick the one you’re trained for.

Hire a practice manager to take over the tough employee conversations for you.

So you can dedicate all your focus and energy on the tough conversations you’re actually meant to be having.

 Download my Practice Manager Job Description to hire the right manager for you and your practice.

Hendrik-Jan Francke