24/7 Emergency Vet Dreams Fulfilled

Years ago, friends and colleagues of mine asked me to work with them to open their new veterinary practice, the Veterinary Specialty Center of Delaware (VSCD).

Of course, I agreed.

Under one condition.

They trust me to take on all of the business and management aspects of the practice.

We agreed to have a Medical Director and myself, a Practice Administrator, as the upper management of the hospital. The medical director was head of all medical development and concerns and I was the head of all things related to practice management.

The remaining owners were board members and had a vote in all major decisions. We worked as a team and respected each other for the expertise that we brought to the table.

The Vision: 24/7 Emergency Veterinary care.

From the beginning, the Veterinary Specialty Center of Delaware offered a variety of services, including surgery, internal medicine, cardiology, radiology, and limited emergency medicine.

But one vision my colleagues hoped to realize was providing a fully staffed, fully functioning 24/7 emergency practice combined with a critical care specialty which requires an intensive care unit.

Dreams Made Reality With Effective Practice Management

Through diligent practice management, VSDC expanded their services to include dentistry, oncology, physical rehabilitation, dermatology, and ophthalmology.

But the main goal, 24/7 emergency medicine, requires 24/7 veterinarians and 24/7 staff.

We instituted an internship program where new graduates could get training in not only emergency medicine but in every medical specialty department that VSCD offered to act as a pipeline for new, qualified hires.

The program not only enhanced our ability to attract quality graduates, it allowed us to give back to the industry by encouraging newly graduated doctors to go into emergency medicine or a specialty residency that they were interested in.

With a committed team of owners and my colleagues trusting me to do the job I was trained for, VSCD went from having a limited hours emergency service to a 24/7, 365-day department with two criticialists, 7 ER doctors and a fully equipped Intensive Care Unit.

Tell Me About Your Veterinary Practice Dreams

You have a dream to open your own practice or have opened your own practice and are dreaming about its future. I can help.

I’m no longer a practice manager. I take my experience from working with practices like VSDC and help them hire the right people and implement the right solutions.

Make your veterinary practice dreams a reality. Contact me for practice consulting.

Shirley Lockhart