2018 called…they want their CE program back
A great vet tech candidate just passed up your offer.
They gave you a clue as to why when they said the other offer had more “opportunities for education.”
You hadn’t even thought about that.
You didn’t realize your CE offerings were so limited because you haven’t touched it since you set it up 6 years ago.
Other practices have kept up with the job market by revamping their CE offerings with stipends, monthly in-house lessons, or more opportunities for outsourced learning.
Without a strong CE program, you’re missing out on a huge competitive edge in the job market.
Modern and robust CE programs can include:
In-house CE lessons: You, or a guest speaker, can come in to teach a lesson about a new technology or method. Speakers could be another doctor you know, a representative, or an educator. You can provide lunch and make it fun!
Low-cost virtual CE lessons: Herding your team into a room and teaching over a hard-to-look-at PowerPoint is about as outdated as it can get. As an alternative, find engaging online lessons from vet med organizations or conferences and send employees the link.
Offsite conferences: Look for local conferences run by your State DVMA to send employees to, or bring a tech or CSR along when you attend a relevant conference. When an employee does attend a conference, ask them to report back with a presentation for the rest of the team.
Let 2018 have its lackluster CE program back.
Update your CE programs to keep your competitive edge in the veterinary job market.
For even more support when hiring, use my 9 interview questions and tips to conduct thorough interviews that help you decide if an employee is the right fit for your practice.